The current dispositions regulate the use of the service of the web page that Estudio Jurídico Javier Payá González provides to the users of Internet.
The use of the web page gives the user the condition of user of the web page and that implies the acceptation of all the conditions included in this Legal Advice, regulated by the Spanish legislation.
The Access to the web page includes technical linking devices that allow the user to enter in other pages that in the past were useful for many people; anyway, Estudio Jurídico Javier Payá González advices that the contents and services of these sites are unknowable for it so it is not responsible for the possible damages can cause neither other reverses not directed attributed to Estudio Jurídico Javier Payá González.
Estudio Jurídico Javier Payá González has the security levels that are compulsory according to the current legislation; but anyway, it is advised that can exist third-party situations or movements that affect the technical security on the internet; it is the responsibility of the user the fact of having tools to detect and clean (in the Access and use of the web page) of damaging computer programs.
According to the current legislation of Rates Protection:
a) we inform you that the personal rates and information that you give us, would be included in a rates file which belongs to Estudio Jurídico Javier Payá González;
b) the user can have the right to access, change, rectificate, cancel or be against according to the legality, having to communicate through post service to Departamento de Protección de Datos de Estudio Jurídico Javier Payá González, calle Arzobispo Lago González nº 2-1º izquierda de A Coruña-España (Código Postal 15004), or sending an e-mail using the form found in the web page. In both cases your name and surname have to be included.
All the contents of the web page (photographies, text, graphics, graphic design, etc) are intelectual property of Estudio Jurídico Javier Payá González, and they cannot be considered given to the web page user for any kind of use or exploitation.
The brands, trade marks, commercial names or distinctive signs belong to Estudio Jurídico Javier Payá González, and the acces to the web page does not imply any kind of right over them.
The user commits to use the web page taking into account the Law, acting against Estudio Jurídico Javier Payá González or against third-party individuals if any damage could happen as a consequence of defaulting the legal obligations and compromise.
According to the legislation, Estudio Jurídico Javier Payá González will use storage and recovery rates devices ("cookies") when the user accepts them previously, all of this according to the conditions indicated in the Policy about Cookies of Estudio Jurídico Javier Payá González that every user must know.